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Netherlands Film Production Incentive High-End Series


The Fund’s intention is to use the Netherlands Film Production Incentive (NFPI) to provide incentives to high-end TV series developed and produced with creative and production freedom and in so doing increase the production activity for creative and technical film professionals and film companies in the Netherlands, while at the same time strengthening the international competitive position of the Dutch film industry. It also intends to develop film talent in the Netherlands and boost the diversity, quality and distribution of high-end TV series. The Fund provides grants for this – in the form of a cash rebate for demonstrably incurred qualifying Dutch production costs – for (high-end) drama series, documentary series and animated series that are primarily intended for television/VOD broadcast.

An independent production company (a legal entity, so not a one-man business or general partnership) that has been based in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, a member state of the EU or the EEA or Switzerland for at least two years and that produces and exploits film productions, series and other audiovisual productions on a continuous basis.

The production company will be represented by a producer who, in the seven calendar years prior to the application, has had prime responsibility for realising a minimum of one majority film production (reference film) with a production budget of at least €500,000 and a minimum of a cinema release in the Netherlands or one majority TV series (reference series) within the same category and price per minute (as for the TV series for which an application has been submitted), which has primarily been published via television/VOD broadcast in the Netherlands. The categories are drama series, animated series and documentary series.

*For the Film Production Incentive, only applicants from the Netherlands, Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba can apply.

Up to €3 million per year per applicant production company.

The grant contribution is a maximum 35% (cash rebate) for the demonstrably incurred and qualifying Dutch production costs. The scheme includes a list of costs that do not qualify.

The annual budget for 2025 for High-End Series is €9 million: €3 million per application round (3 application rounds). The grant cap is published on the website.

The high-end TV series must be independent. In other words, an applicant as a legal entity is independent of end operators, has the decisive voice in making decisions on content, production and execution and has sufficient commercial freedom with regard to the exploitation and screening of the high-end TV series.

Only high-end TV series, that is drama series, animated series and documentary series that satisfy the cultural criteria, requirements and conditions of the scheme, are eligible for a contribution.

In broad terms, the following conditions must be met:

  • The television/VOD broadcast in the Netherlands is guaranteed. In the case of international drama, documentary or animated series, they must be intended for publication in two or more countries, with the Netherlands being one of the countries of origin of the co-producers.
  • High-end TV series on the basis of which an application is submitted must be fully developed in artistic terms. The scripts, director’s vision and, in the case of animation, the style guide appended to the application must be ready for production.
  • A minimum price per minute applies as a lower limit for the production budget:
  • Documentary series: €4,000 per broadcast minute
  • Animated series: €8,000 per broadcast minute
  • Drama series for children below the age of 12: a minimum of 10,000 euros in production costs per broadcast minute for a series between 10 and 25 minutes per episode or a minimum of 8,000 euros per broadcast minute for a series longer than 25 minutes.
  • Drama series (other): €12,000 per broadcast minute
  • To be eligible for a financial contribution for a Single Episode the production costs per episode must be at least one million euros. The production costs must, in the opinion of the Fund, be budgeted in line with the market and realistically and be directly connected with the realisation of the series.
  • At the time of application, at least 50% of the production budget must have been promised by third parties (no guarantees or deferments) unconditionally and demonstrably in writing.
    Only applications achieving a minimum of 75 points - including points for a minimum of two main positions - are eligible. For international (co-)productions with a minority share of the financing from the Netherlands spending one million or more qualifying production costs in the Netherlands, one main position is sufficient and points can be allocated for other positions if they are responsible for the execution of the production in the Netherlands. For animated series with a minority of the financing from the Netherlands, the positions count if they involve main responsibility for the production in the Netherlands. Since this is an incentive scheme, the basic principle is that only points are included in part 1. Creative talent and leading crew members (see Points System) who are separate from the team of (co-)producers.
  • A contribution is only made in the event of a minimum spend of 15% in qualifying production costs.
  • The applicant is obliged to produce the high-end TV series in accordance with the information submitted with the application, including the number of points set down in the decision.
  • The high-end TV series must be fully financed within six months of the date of the decision and at the latest before the start of shooting, after which the Fund’s Implementation Agreement will be drawn up.
  • The high-end TV series must be complete and published through television/VOD broadcast within 36 months of conclusion of the Implementation Agreement.
  • If the application is rejected, it can be submitted one more time in a subsequent application round.

The detailed requirements for the applicant and the application are set out in the Netherlands Film Production Incentive Scheme/Addendum.

Applications for this scheme can be submitted on the day of the deadline before 17:00 CET.

Upcoming deadlines

  • Netherlands Film Production Incentive High-End Series
  • Netherlands Film Production Incentive High-End Series

The head of the Film Production Incentive and the production department will assess the production and business aspects of an application, then the Director/Chief Executive will decide on the application. The outcome usually follows within eight to ten weeks.

Applications are assessed on the basis of strict financial, legal and business criteria and using a points system. Applications are ranked in each application round on the basis of the points system. For 2025 the minimum number of points has been set at 75.

The level of the grant contribution is calculated by multiplying the qualifying production costs by 35%. The scheme includes a list of costs that do not qualify. Production costs incurred from the application submission date may qualify provided that the application file both satisfies the conditions and is complete at the time of application.

A grant contribution is awarded subject to the condition that an implementation agreement that includes further grant obligations is concluded. The final amount of the grant contribution awarded is determined and then paid afterwards, on the basis of the production spending actually incurred and qualifying. The grant contribution can never be greater than the maximum amount stated in the decision.

30% of the maximum grant contribution awarded can be received as an advance. This refers exclusively to an advance for payment of Dutch qualifying production costs. There are two further points in time when an application for an interim payment can be submitted: at the end of the (main) shooting period and after the picture lock. The total of the interim payments, including any advance, cannot exceed 90% of the Incentive grant contribution. The last 10% of the grant contribution is paid on approval by the Fund of an account of the costs and the financing and of the determination of the final grant contribution by the Fund. This must be provided within four months of the first publication/premiere.

If an application is rejected, it may be submitted once more in a subsequent application round.

Applications for production support can be submitted on application dates by the Dutch producer (click here).

Need Help?


Ilke Vernooij

Head of Incentive

Simone Kaagman

Project Officer