Twee teams gesteund om filmplan internationaal te ontwikkelen
Titel: Stranger
Scenarist/regisseur: Urszula Antoniak
Producent: Family Affair Films
Logline: A young Dutch woman living in Berlin is surprised to learn that her boyfriend is not German, but Polish. During their trip to his place of birth in Poland, he gets arrested and accused for murder, but shortly after he is released, it was a case of mistaken identity. After their return she must discover for herself who he really is, what stranger lurks behind his perfect German appearance?
Titel: In Alaska
Scenarist/regisseur: Jaap van Heusden
Producent: IJswater Films, coproducent: Volterra Group
Logine: Woody, a seventeen year old boy from a tiny village in Alaska, is so depressed he wants to end his life. Instead he does something epically stupid: he shoots the oil pipeline that crosses the state and overnight becomes a most wanted criminal, hunted by special agent James Tarheel. While he has to run for his life, he’s learning for the first time what it truly means to be alive.
De twee teams ontvangen naast de reguliere bijdrage voor scenario-ontwikkeling additionele steun om vanaf het begin internationale expertise te betrekken, deel te nemen aan talent labs of residenties al naar gelang de specifieke behoeften van het team. De totale beschikbare bijdrage per team is
€ 70.000.
De internationale commissieleden van het programma zijn Hengameh Panahi (Celluloid Dreams, Parijs), Karel Och (Karlovy Vary International Filmfestival, Tsjechië) en Mike Goodridge (Protagonist Pictures, Londen). Hengameh Panahi blijft verbonden aan de teams, om de ontwikkeling van de projecten te volgen, te coachen en te ondersteunen.
Vanaf dit jaar kunnen naast speelfilmplannen ook plannen voor documentaires en lange animatiefilms worden ingediend voor Talentontwikkeling in Internationale Context.