The EFADs adopt a position paper on the opportunities and challenges for film in the digital age
On the occasion of its Cannes plenary meeting, the European Film Agency Directors (EFADs) adopted a position paper highlighting the major opportunities and challenges, in particular in the context of the European Commission’s plans for a Digital Single Market.
“We want to contribute to the debate by communicating our twin ambitions to foster a growing audiovisual economy and to secure the continuous development of audiovisual works reflecting the cultural diversity of Europe.” said Peter Dinges, President of the EFADs.
The EFADs position paper stresses in particular that:
• The development of the digital audiovisual market should be seen as an economic and cultural opportunity for Europe.
• However, both the financing of European films and distributing them to audiences can be challenging processes. It is important that policy-makers adapt existing fiscal, regulatory and competition law frameworks in a way that enhances cultural diversity over time, rather than diminishing it.
• In particular, it is important that ways are found to stimulate the growth of online distribution so that it benefits the financing, production and distribution of European films.
• The strategic challenge is to secure a stronger economic commitment from newer online services equal to the established players such as cinemas, distributors, public and private television.
Therefore the EFADs recommend that the European Commission develops policies and action lines which:
• Help build a sustainable and fair market place and help create a level playing field between all European and global market players.
• Give special attention to new kinds of barriers for an open and competitive digital single audiovisual market, as there is a risk of misuse of dominant market positions by companies.
• Enhance access to and promotion of European works. This should be done partly by ensuring access to a more attractive legal offer of European films.
• Develop the audience by fostering medialiteracy and thereby increasing people’s understanding, enjoyment and appreciation of film.
• Ensure stable and clear copyright rules and fair remuneration of creators; the territoriality principleon which the whole ecosystem of audiovisual and film financing is based must be preserved and there must be more effective enforcement of rights in the digital era.
The EFADs will continue to reflect on how to build a Digital Single Market that will improve the quality, diversity and circulation of European films. We will, wherever possible seek to do this in partnership with the European Commission, notably through the European Film Forum.
Read the position paper.