Dutch-German film co-production treaty signed at the Berlinale
The treaty is expected to stimulate coproductions between both countries by facilitating the conditions for coproductions. It also increases the opportunities for wide distribution of films in both countries. Besides it potentially develops creative as well as technical skills of film professionals from both countries.
The German Filmförderungsanstalt (Federal Film Board, FFA) and the Netherlands Film Fund initiated the treaty, which provides an important basis for boosting bilateral co-production and the development of the film industry and film culture in both countries.
The treaty specifies the conditions that determine which films are eligible for aid. Films that are realized in co-production within the established framework, are considered by both countries as national films. It will therefore give producers in both countries access to each other’s financing possibilities. The level of each co-producer’s contribution in terms of cast and crew and artistic as well as technical input, must be in line with the funding that they bring to the project. A film production may qualify if the minority producer contributes a share of the funding of at least 10%.
The signing of the treaty coincides with the selection of two films at the Berlinale which are jointly produced by Germany and the Netherlands Zurich by Sacha Polak (script Helena van der Meulen, production Viking Film (NL) in coproduction with Rohfilm (DE) and A Private View (BE) and Nena by Saskia Diesing (production KeyFilm (NL) in coproduction with Coin Movie (DE).
For more information:
Read the full text of the treaty.
Nederlands Filmfonds
Jonathan Mees, communications
m: +316 40084617
e: [email protected]
Article: Kooperation als logisches Ergebnis