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Pandemic Guarantee Scheme (additional COVID-19 measure)


Pending a national approach to the pandemic risk for film productions, a guarantee contribution provides financial security in covering (uninsured) costs arising from pandemic damage during the production process. The guarantee contribution will be covered by the second support package for the cultural and creative sector and a payment from the sector.

Applications for production support can be submitted by a Dutch production company of a majority Dutch film production, high-end series or minority co-production, whose realisation is supported by the Film Fund, and which - faced with the effects of COVID-19 - resumes or starts production from 1 January 2021 within the scope of the COVID-19 Protocol for the AV sector.

If a film production or high-end series is to make a claim under the Pandemic Guarantee Scheme, a payment to the special-purpose reserve is required before the (re)start of production.

NB. Film productions or high-end series realised with Fund support that make no payment must be insured for pandemic risk or be financially covered in some other way. These productions are not eligible for a contribution under the Pandemic Guarantee Scheme.

Majority film productions and majority high-end series

The maximum amount is 25% of the production costs approved by the Fund (cost groups 1200 to 5500), with a maximum guide amount of €1.000.000 per project.

Minority (co-)film productions

The maximum amount is 25% of the Dutch production costs approved by the Fund (cost groups 1200 to 5500), with a maximum guide amount of €1.000.000 per project.

In the case of international co-productions, collaborating national film funds can decide to cover all the production costs jointly on a financing share basis.

The Pandemic Guarantee Scheme is covered on the one hand by the Fund and on the other by contributions from the sector through a payment on the budget to the special-purpose reserve before production. There is no cover unless a payment has been made.

If you want to participate in the guarantee scheme, you need to have a few things arranged:

  • You request participation no later than 10 working days before the first day of filming;
  • You agree to all the conditions of the guarantee scheme for which your production is eligible;
  • Throughout the production you carefully follow the current pandemic protocol of the film and av industry;

And before the start of the production you will have:

  • arranged the financing 100%;
  • taken out the necessary production insurance;
  • paid the mandatory payment on the production costs (with the exception of productions with a production budget of up to € 150,000).

For high-end series to which the Fund makes a limited contribution, additional cover by the (main) financier(s) is a requirement.

The required payment before production:

  • For majority Dutch film productions and high-end series a required payment of 0.50% of the total production costs (cost groups 1200 to 5500) must be made into a special-purpose reserve. *
  • For minority (co-)film productions a required payment of 0.750% of the Dutch production costs (cost groups 1200 to 5500) must be made into a special-purpose reserve. *
  • The maximum required payment is € 35.000.

*The payment into the Fund’s special-purpose reserve must be entered in the production budget as subsidisable additional costs under insurance costs. The payment must be excluded from the margins and be made before the shooting period.

Upcoming deadlines

  • Netherlands Film Production Incentive High-End Series

It is important for the Dutch producer to keep the relevant department of the Fund fully informed of developments during the production process and also any measures you take to prevent or limit damage. If there should actually be any material damage as a result of the pandemic that affects the progress of production, you can notify the Fund of it formally at: [email protected]. The Fund will then contact you about the subsequent processing of the damage notification.

In the event of damage, an external loss adjuster will be brought in and a committee will advise – on the basis of a damage report – on the level of the Pandemic Guarantee Scheme contribution.